Choir Party - 11 July 2023

What a wonderful end-of-year party it was, too! So much fun, so much food, so much drink, and wonderful friendships! Thanks to you all for contributing to the success of the evening. What a special group of people you are!!

Molly arrived with Collette and Arlo to help set up, and husband Mark soon followed (and was able to bale me out of three successive difficulties - thank you Mark!).

Jeannette arrived with all the pre-chilled fizz, and all the necessary odds and ends that only she seems to remember (thank Goodness!).

It doesn't seem fair to pick out a favourite dish from all those that were brought along, but that ham was very special! <grin>

Thanks also to the majority of you who helped with the clearing-up afterwards. It was great not see the chore left to the faithful few this time around. Here's to 2024!

Pics below from Molly - click / tap on them for the larger images.

Pictures below from tony - click / tap on them for the larger images.